
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Chur Burger, Surry Hills (and it's my 2nd Blog Birthday!)

OK where has the time gone?!?! I didn't end up celebrating my 1st bloggerversary / bloggiversary / blogaversary /blogiversary (seriously guys how do you spell that?) and I have no idea what to do for my 2nd one. I would say that over the last couple of years, I have gone through so many changes that it's just incredible. When I started The Random Foodie in late September 2011, I was near the end of my job at the time. What inspired me to do a food blog was the passion and love to explore different cuisines...and I have been a bit of an explorer. Before I started this blog, I was already super excited to check out pretty cool restaurants with my former colleagues. After a few requests from friends, I eventually started this blog. Why 'The Random Foodie'? To be honest, I couldn't think of a better name. Plus I guess back then, I like to be anonymous when it comes to reviewing restaurants. These day, not so much ahahaha. 

Since then, I have gained lots of weight for the love of food and eventually lost a lot of weight this year too (I still love to eat out dammit! It's so hard!). There was also some great foodie moments including meeting some amazing food bloggers, getting invites to a few cool events and travelled to Europe and Singapore. 

Thanks to everyone for your support and checking out my blog over the last couple of years. This includes enjoying the (not so great) pictures and the detailed content. I've appreciated the feedback that many of you have told me via this blog and in person. Cheers (or Chur hahaha) to 2 years of belly bursting fun times and more foodie adventures to come. Like this one. 

Speaking of random moments, I did not expect to end up dining at Chur Burger one night. I was with a few blogging mates at a bar that evening. We were so hungry and then one of us blurted out "let's go to Chur Burger!". Without hesitation, we all ended up here because it's a pretty damn awesome idea. Yup random moments are the best. For those who have no idea what I meant before, Chur is Kiwi for "cheers" (lol geddit? no? meh). Even though it was a Tuesday night, we waited for about 15 minutes for a free table...which wasn't too bad for an eating joint that has been on the lips of those in the food scene for months. While the atmosphere was noisy and buzzing, this was combined with decent and attentive service from the staff. 

You can order your food after seating at your tables or, if there are no seats left, you can also order at the counter while you wait for a table. Despite the busy crowd, the food gets delivered incredibly fast to our tables. Oh the choices!

Saucy times

We were spoilt for choice so it took a while for us to decide. Even the sides look appetising. I was in the mood for beef burgers at the time so it has gotta be the Grilled Beef Burger with cheese, tomato jam, mustard mayo and pickle. The picture below does not do this burger any justice. With a juicy beef patty with a bit of pinkness in the middle, zesty pickles and a soft and fluffy brioche bun, the burger is amazing stuff. 

Grilled Beef Burger ($10.00)

Oooooohhh yeaaahhhhh!!!

I didn't end up trying the Pulled Pork Burger (with Chur BBQ sauce, red slaw, fennel mayo) on my first visit but it got positive responses from those who did try it. It looked incredibly delicious that it was the reason I went back again recently. On my second visit, both CC and I tried the pulled pork but on this occasion, we thought that the pulled pork was chewy and not as seasoned or flavoursome as we had hoped. The BBQ sauce was quite runny so it didn't add much to the burger. This led to making good use of the other sauces to add some more flavour. However, the amount of pulled pork was still generous which was what I enjoyed the most from this burger. 

Pulled Pork Burger - 1st Visit (($10.00)

Pulled Pork Burger - 2nd Visit

I didn't end up trying the Crumbed Fish Fillet burger (with pickled cucumber, dill and lemon mayo) but C thought it was good and crunchy. Looks so tasty. Will definitely try it out in future visits.

Crumbed Fish Fillet Burger ($10.00)

Not sure if it's me or are sweet potato fries popping up at lots of menus across Sydney these days. Chur Burger's version has chunky pieces of sweet potato which was delicious but incredibly salty. We couldn't seem to detect the garlic and lime though I assume that might have been the seasoning. We ordered too many of these so there were leftovers due to its very generous servings. 

Sweet Potato Fries, Garlic, Lime ($5.00)

I tried a few of these chips and found these to be very addictive. Not good for those on a low carb diet but damnnn they were so crunchy on the outside and fluffy in the inside. I didn't seem to notice too much chilli inside so it seems to be alright for those who can't handle it. Again a very generous serving for us.

Chips with chilli salt ($5.00)

Since Chur Burger is owned by Warren Turnball, the same chef who formerly owned District Dining, I was so happy and a tad surprised when I spotted Quail eggs on the menu again. This time I thought these treats were better than ever. Oozy egg yolk and crumbled coating combined with the tangy tarragon sauce was the highlight out of the snacks menu. Soo good!

Crispy Quail Eggs with Tarragon Mayo ($10.00)

We all enjoyed the milo and salted caramel (didn't get a photo for this one :( sorry) milkshakes although they were quite thick and rich. Some of us thought it was too much to handle especially with all the other food we've had. Nevertheless, they are still sweet and refreshing to have especially on a warm day.

Milo Milkshake ($8.00)

While some people reckon that it's a bit pricey compared to Maccas and HJ's, I reckon it's one of the cheap eats considering the size of the burgers and the location. Would love to check it out again to try the fish burger and the spiced chickpea fritter burger (note this vegetarians!) sometime soon. Great social vibe, quick and friendly service and no fuss. Churrrr!

Chur Burger
48 Albion Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010
(02) 9212 7979
Chur Burger on Urbanspoon


  1. Congratulations on your 2nd bloggerversary! The beef burger at Chur is a winner for sure. And yes, I love a big, juicy patty with a nice pink centre :)

  2. Hehe congrats on reaching two years! Those quail eggs sound absoutely delish - must try!!

  3. happy birthday to your blog!!! hehe. I loved Chur's chicken burger and their sweet potato chips were so flamin' hot when it came out that it taasted so good. Hardly seasoned though so we doused it in tabasco!

  4. happy bloggiversary. and you celebrated with a layout change? hehe! looking forward to more eating ahead.

  5. Happy 2nd blogaversary! Totally love Chur's beef burger!

  6. congrats! love the burgers at chur. the quail eggs look delish!

  7. Happy 2nd blog birthday! Here's to many more :)

  8. Happy second birthday!! :)
    mmm ~ just went to Chur ytd! :D was pleasant indeed!! ^^
    the sweet potato fries!! omg ..!! totally would be back just for that!

    - Cassie

  9. happy 2nd bloggversary! i still havent tried out chur burger damnit!

  10. happy 2nd bloggiversary!! i really want to revisit chur burger and try the beef burger and that salted caramel milkshake :D

  11. happy second anniversary, Annie.. may there be many more to come!

  12. Thanks everyone for your support and comments!!! Loads of yummy action happening on this blog very soon hehe.
